Open Insight ingresa a Scopus

Open Insight, la revista de filosofía que editamos en el CISAV, ha ingresado a Scopus, la mayor base de datos de citas y resúmenes de literatura revisada por pares: revistas científicas, libros y actas de congresos.

Les compartimos la evaluación del Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB) de Scopus:

«This is an impressive journal that appears to be in rude health, from the editorial policy and the homepage to the production schedule and online access. Articles are being well-cited, which is an indication of the importance of the journal in its research field. For all of these reasons it fully merits inclusion in SCOPUS. Overall, the journal is impressively outwards looking and has the potential to raise its international profile still further.»

Felicitamos a todo el equipo que hace posible la revista y esperen noticias pronto. Pueden descargar gratuitamente todos los números de Open Insight en